AACB Regional Membership Meetings/Conferences
For exact dates, please check Events Calendar closer to meeting dates.
Most meetings feature a blacksmithing demonstration, food, a general meeting, and an Iron-in-the-Hat (a drawing of tickets to win donated items); some meetings/conferences also include a live auction of donated items and various family programs.
January – Cannonsburgh Pioneer Village in Murfreesboro TN, hosted by Rutherford County Blacksmiths Association (RCBA).
March – Tennessee River Artist Blacksmith Association (TRABA) in McKenzie, TN , hosted by TRABA
April, every odd-numbered year – Behind the Tennessee Valley Railroad Station in Chattanooga TN, hosted by Choo Choo Forge.
May, every even-numbered year – AACB Conference, Cannonsburgh Pioneer Village, Murfreesboro, TN
May, every odd-numbered year – Southeastern Blacksmith Association (SBA) Conference, Lion’s Club grounds in Madison, GA. AACB is one of seven regional chapters to host this biannual event.
October – Erin TN, hosted by Highland Rim Area Blacksmithing Association (HRABA).
November – Annual Meeting, John C. Campbell Folk School (JCCFS) in Brasstown NC, hosted by Brasstown Blacksmiths.
December – AACB Christmas Party, Fiddler’s Grove Historic Village in Lebanon TN, hosted by AACB.